Source code for jsonref

import functools
import json
import warnings
from import Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence
from urllib import parse as urlparse
from urllib.parse import unquote
from urllib.request import urlopen
from . import proxytypes  # noqa: F401
from .proxytypes import LazyProxy

    # If requests >=1.0 is available, we will use it
    import requests

    if not callable(requests.Response.json):
        requests = None
except ImportError:
    requests = None

__version__ = "1.1.0"

[docs] class JsonRefError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, reference, uri="", base_uri="", path=(), cause=None): self.message = message self.reference = reference self.uri = uri self.base_uri = base_uri self.path = path self.cause = self.__cause__ = cause def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.message) def __str__(self): return str(self.message)
[docs] class JsonRef(LazyProxy): """ A lazy loading proxy to the dereferenced data pointed to by a JSON Reference object. """ __notproxied__ = ("__reference__",) @classmethod def replace_refs( cls, obj, base_uri="", loader=None, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True ): """ .. deprecated:: 0.4 Use :func:`replace_refs` instead. Returns a deep copy of `obj` with all contained JSON reference objects replaced with :class:`JsonRef` instances. :param obj: If this is a JSON reference object, a :class:`JsonRef` instance will be created. If `obj` is not a JSON reference object, a deep copy of it will be created with all contained JSON reference objects replaced by :class:`JsonRef` instances :param base_uri: URI to resolve relative references against :param loader: Callable that takes a URI and returns the parsed JSON (defaults to global ``jsonloader``) :param jsonschema: Flag to turn on `JSON Schema mode <>`_. 'id' keyword changes the `base_uri` for references contained within the object :param load_on_repr: If set to ``False``, :func:`repr` call on a :class:`JsonRef` object will not cause the reference to be loaded if it hasn't already. (defaults to ``True``) """ return replace_refs( obj, base_uri=base_uri, loader=loader, jsonschema=jsonschema, load_on_repr=load_on_repr, ) def __init__( self, refobj, base_uri="", loader=None, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True, merge_props=False, _path=(), _store=None, ): if not isinstance(refobj.get("$ref"), str): raise ValueError("Not a valid json reference object: %s" % refobj) self.__reference__ = refobj self.base_uri = base_uri self.loader = loader or jsonloader self.jsonschema = jsonschema self.load_on_repr = load_on_repr self.merge_props = merge_props self.path = _path = _store # Use the same object to be shared with children if is None: = URIDict() @property def _ref_kwargs(self): return dict( base_uri=self.base_uri, loader=self.loader, jsonschema=self.jsonschema, load_on_repr=self.load_on_repr, merge_props=self.merge_props, path=self.path,, ) @property def full_uri(self): return urlparse.urljoin(self.base_uri, self.__reference__["$ref"]) def callback(self): uri, fragment = urlparse.urldefrag(self.full_uri) # If we already looked this up, return a reference to the same object if uri not in # Remote ref try: base_doc = self.loader(uri) except Exception as e: raise self._error( "%s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e)), cause=e ) from e base_doc = _replace_refs( base_doc, **{**self._ref_kwargs, "base_uri": uri, "recursing": False} ) else: base_doc =[uri] result = self.resolve_pointer(base_doc, fragment) if result is self: raise self._error("Reference refers directly to itself.") if hasattr(result, "__subject__"): result = result.__subject__ if ( self.merge_props and isinstance(result, Mapping) and len(self.__reference__) > 1 ): result = { **result, **{k: v for k, v in self.__reference__.items() if k != "$ref"}, } return result def resolve_pointer(self, document, pointer): """ Resolve a json pointer ``pointer`` within the referenced ``document``. :argument document: the referent document :argument str pointer: a json pointer URI fragment to resolve within it """ parts = unquote(pointer.lstrip("/")).split("/") if pointer else [] for part in parts: part = part.replace("~1", "/").replace("~0", "~") if isinstance(document, Sequence): # Try to turn an array index to an int try: part = int(part) except ValueError: pass # If a reference points inside itself, it must mean inside reference object, not the referent data if document is self: document = self.__reference__ try: document = document[part] except (TypeError, LookupError) as e: raise self._error( "Unresolvable JSON pointer: %r" % pointer, cause=e ) from e return document def _error(self, message, cause=None): message = "Error while resolving `{}`: {}".format(self.full_uri, message) return JsonRefError( message, self.__reference__, uri=self.full_uri, base_uri=self.base_uri, path=self.path, cause=cause, ) def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, "cache") or self.load_on_repr: return repr(self.__subject__) return "JsonRef(%r)" % self.__reference__
class URIDict(MutableMapping): """ Dictionary which uses normalized URIs as keys. """ def normalize(self, uri): return urlparse.urlsplit(uri).geturl() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = dict()*args, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, uri): return[self.normalize(uri)] def __setitem__(self, uri, value):[self.normalize(uri)] = value def __delitem__(self, uri): del[self.normalize(uri)] def __iter__(self): return iter( def __len__(self): return len( def __repr__(self): return repr(
[docs] def jsonloader(uri, **kwargs): """ Provides a callable which takes a URI, and returns the loaded JSON referred to by that URI. Uses :mod:`requests` if available for HTTP URIs, and falls back to :mod:`urllib`. """ scheme = urlparse.urlsplit(uri).scheme if scheme in ["http", "https"] and requests: # Prefer requests, it has better encoding detection resp = requests.get(uri) # If the http server doesn't respond normally then raise exception # e.g. 404, 500 error resp.raise_for_status() try: result = resp.json(**kwargs) except TypeError: warnings.warn("requests >=1.2 required for custom kwargs to json.loads") result = resp.json() else: # Otherwise, pass off to urllib and assume utf-8 with urlopen(uri) as content: result = json.loads("utf-8"), **kwargs) return result
def _walk_refs(obj, func, replace=False, _processed=None): # Keep track of already processed items to prevent recursion _processed = _processed or {} oid = id(obj) if oid in _processed: return _processed[oid] if type(obj) is JsonRef: r = func(obj) obj = r if replace else obj _processed[oid] = obj if isinstance(obj, Mapping): for k, v in obj.items(): r = _walk_refs(v, func, replace=replace, _processed=_processed) if replace: obj[k] = r elif isinstance(obj, Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, str): for i, v in enumerate(obj): r = _walk_refs(v, func, replace=replace, _processed=_processed) if replace: obj[i] = r return obj
[docs] def replace_refs( obj, base_uri="", loader=jsonloader, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True, merge_props=False, proxies=True, lazy_load=True, ): """ Returns a deep copy of `obj` with all contained JSON reference objects replaced with :class:`JsonRef` instances. :param obj: If this is a JSON reference object, a :class:`JsonRef` instance will be created. If `obj` is not a JSON reference object, a deep copy of it will be created with all contained JSON reference objects replaced by :class:`JsonRef` instances :param base_uri: URI to resolve relative references against :param loader: Callable that takes a URI and returns the parsed JSON (defaults to global ``jsonloader``, a :class:`JsonLoader` instance) :param jsonschema: Flag to turn on `JSON Schema mode <>`_. 'id' or '$id' keyword changes the `base_uri` for references contained within the object :param load_on_repr: If set to ``False``, :func:`repr` call on a :class:`JsonRef` object will not cause the reference to be loaded if it hasn't already. (defaults to ``True``) :param merge_props: When ``True``, JSON reference objects that have extra keys other than '$ref' in them will be merged into the document resolved by the reference (if it is a dictionary.) NOTE: This is not part of the JSON Reference spec, and may not behave the same as other libraries. :param proxies: If `True`, references will be replaced with transparent proxy objects. Otherwise, they will be replaced directly with the referred data. (defaults to ``True``) :param lazy_load: When proxy objects are used, and this is `True`, the references will not be resolved until that section of the JSON document is accessed. (defaults to ``True``) """ result = _replace_refs( obj, base_uri=base_uri, loader=loader, jsonschema=jsonschema, load_on_repr=load_on_repr, merge_props=merge_props, store=URIDict(), path=(), recursing=False, ) if not proxies: _walk_refs(result, lambda r: r.__subject__, replace=True) elif not lazy_load: _walk_refs(result, lambda r: r.__subject__) return result
def _replace_refs( obj, *, base_uri, loader, jsonschema, load_on_repr, merge_props, store, path, recursing, ): base_uri, frag = urlparse.urldefrag(base_uri) store_uri = None # If this does not get set, we won't store the result if not frag and not recursing: store_uri = base_uri if jsonschema and isinstance(obj, Mapping): # id changed to $id in later jsonschema versions id_ = obj.get("$id") or obj.get("id") if isinstance(id_, str): base_uri = urlparse.urljoin(base_uri, id_) store_uri = base_uri # First recursively iterate through our object, replacing children with JsonRefs if isinstance(obj, Mapping): obj = { k: _replace_refs( v, base_uri=base_uri, loader=loader, jsonschema=jsonschema, load_on_repr=load_on_repr, merge_props=merge_props, store=store, path=path + (k,), recursing=True, ) for k, v in obj.items() } elif isinstance(obj, Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, str): obj = [ _replace_refs( v, base_uri=base_uri, loader=loader, jsonschema=jsonschema, load_on_repr=load_on_repr, merge_props=merge_props, store=store, path=path + (i,), recursing=True, ) for i, v in enumerate(obj) ] # If this object itself was a reference, replace it with a JsonRef if isinstance(obj, Mapping) and isinstance(obj.get("$ref"), str): obj = JsonRef( obj, base_uri=base_uri, loader=loader, jsonschema=jsonschema, load_on_repr=load_on_repr, merge_props=merge_props, _path=path, _store=store, ) # Store the document with all references replaced in our cache if store_uri is not None: store[store_uri] = obj return obj
[docs] def load( fp, base_uri="", loader=None, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True, merge_props=False, proxies=True, lazy_load=True, **kwargs, ): """ Drop in replacement for :func:`json.load`, where JSON references are proxied to their referent data. :param fp: File-like object containing JSON document :param **kwargs: This function takes any of the keyword arguments from :func:`replace_refs`. Any other keyword arguments will be passed to :func:`json.load` """ if loader is None: loader = functools.partial(jsonloader, **kwargs) return replace_refs( json.load(fp, **kwargs), base_uri=base_uri, loader=loader, jsonschema=jsonschema, load_on_repr=load_on_repr, merge_props=merge_props, proxies=proxies, lazy_load=lazy_load, )
[docs] def loads( s, base_uri="", loader=None, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True, merge_props=False, proxies=True, lazy_load=True, **kwargs, ): """ Drop in replacement for :func:`json.loads`, where JSON references are proxied to their referent data. :param s: String containing JSON document :param **kwargs: This function takes any of the keyword arguments from :func:`replace_refs`. Any other keyword arguments will be passed to :func:`json.loads` """ if loader is None: loader = functools.partial(jsonloader, **kwargs) return replace_refs( json.loads(s, **kwargs), base_uri=base_uri, loader=loader, jsonschema=jsonschema, load_on_repr=load_on_repr, merge_props=merge_props, proxies=proxies, lazy_load=lazy_load, )
[docs] def load_uri( uri, base_uri=None, loader=None, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True, merge_props=False, proxies=True, lazy_load=True, ): """ Load JSON data from ``uri`` with JSON references proxied to their referent data. :param uri: URI to fetch the JSON from :param **kwargs: This function takes any of the keyword arguments from :func:`replace_refs` """ if loader is None: loader = jsonloader if base_uri is None: base_uri = uri return replace_refs( loader(uri), base_uri=base_uri, loader=loader, jsonschema=jsonschema, load_on_repr=load_on_repr, merge_props=merge_props, proxies=proxies, lazy_load=lazy_load, )
[docs] def dump(obj, fp, **kwargs): """ Serialize `obj`, which may contain :class:`JsonRef` objects, as a JSON formatted stream to file-like `fp`. `JsonRef` objects will be dumped as the original reference object they were created from. :param obj: Object to serialize :param fp: File-like to output JSON string :param kwargs: Keyword arguments are the same as to :func:`json.dump` """ # Strangely, json.dumps does not use the custom serialization from our # encoder on python 2.7+. Instead, just write json.dumps output to a file. fp.write(dumps(obj, **kwargs))
[docs] def dumps(obj, **kwargs): """ Serialize `obj`, which may contain :class:`JsonRef` objects, to a JSON formatted string. `JsonRef` objects will be dumped as the original reference object they were created from. :param obj: Object to serialize :param kwargs: Keyword arguments are the same as to :func:`json.dumps` """ kwargs["cls"] = _ref_encoder_factory(kwargs.get("cls", json.JSONEncoder)) return json.dumps(obj, **kwargs)
def _ref_encoder_factory(cls): class JSONRefEncoder(cls): def default(self, o): if hasattr(o, "__reference__"): return o.__reference__ return super(JSONRefEncoder, cls).default(o) # Python 2.6 doesn't work with the default method def _iterencode(self, o, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(o, "__reference__"): o = o.__reference__ return super(JSONRefEncoder, self)._iterencode(o, *args, **kwargs) # Pypy doesn't work with either of the other methods def _encode(self, o, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(o, "__reference__"): o = o.__reference__ return super(JSONRefEncoder, self)._encode(o, *args, **kwargs) return JSONRefEncoder